The espresso machine is one of the biggest investments a cafe will make.
The best machines help your baristas work quickly and efficiently — allowing them to spend more time with the customer.
A good layout is more efficient for your baristas — and more welcoming to your customers.
„I had no idea what kind of machines I wanted.
I knew I wanted to make coffee that way. I didn’t know how… So there you go! Thank you Ekuep!
Abdulrahman Ashqan
Co-Founder Cup&Couch Coffee
Good preparation for a clean installation
What size machine do you really need in your cafe?
And why does it make espresso tastier and more consistent?
How do they work, and which is best for you?
In a specialty coffee shop
Create an enjoyable experience for your customers
In the specialty coffee industry
The tools that help you make coffee better and faster
Everything you need to make great coffee from day one
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